Wednesday, 18 November 2009

A little bit of fever is probably worth it

Half of the people in the UK offered a swine flu jab is turning it down. They are afraid of the possible side-effects and it is a common belief that the virus is "mild" anyway - so no jab needed. (Press Association) I have a whole bunch of friends back home in the Motherland (where everyone gets a jab btw! Not just preggies, coffindodgers and little children.) who has or are planning to turn down the jab for the same reason, predominantly because they are a bit shaky about the side effects of the swine flu jab.
Due to many travels to countries far and wide I have taken more than a handful of jabs in my realtively short life and I can tell this much: there is nothing special about these alledged side effects. Pain in the arm and possible fever and illness for up to a week is nothing new, it comes with pretty much every major jab - so considering what you could go thorugh if you are hit with bad swine flu, a few days feeling rough is nothing.

Don't look at the needle and think something pretty: like butterflies or Danny Jones, and it will be over in seconds.

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