Tuesday 20 April 2010

"Um, doctor, I need you to get this off my penis. I don't know how it got there I SWEAR!"

This is the Rape-Axe. Bascally a female condom with little 'shark teeth' on the inside. Rape-Axe goes inside vagina. Braindead jerk decides to rape girl with Rape-Axe. Penis goes in Rape-Axe but does not come out. The Rape-Axe 'bites' back and has to be surgically removed from the guy's penis. You see the little teeth in the picture? Yeah, they latch on and cause extreme pain.
Hell yeah.
And also, it effectively makes rapists hand themselves in. If they do want the Rape-Axe gone from said genital - they need to go to the hospital.

I think it is brilliant. However, both boyfriend and my flatmate, after they stopped ooh-ing and ouch-ing, pointed out that it could very possibly turn into a weapon against a cheating partner and how that would ruin the purpose of this rape protection device. I say, if you've cheated, you deserve the biting condom.

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