I love men. Men are special, wonderful creatures whom God created and then thought "Created in my image my ass! It doesn't look like me at all - it doesn't even have boobs! Ok, I'll have one more go." Men provides straight women and homosexual men with everything in life; happiness, adventure, sex, big grandpa-shirts, gossip, stressfrowns, tears, naked sundays(obviously including fry ups), Danny Jones and a reason to buy sexy lingerie.
But sometimes they simply amaze me...
Man/Boy: What are you eating?
Me: Dorritos. Im sad, fat and I have PMS.
Man/Boy: Well, if you wanna loose weight, Dorritos isn't exactly the best option, is it? Its really unhealthy, let me see how many calories
*grabs bag* WOW, that's a lot! Thats like more than...
Me: *interrupting* You've never been around a girl with PMS before, have you?
Man/Boy: No.
If you are lucky you end up insanely madly in love, but honestly - you are more likely to end up with ugly stretchmarks and a mortgage for a house you no longer live in.