Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Dear Home Secretary Alan Johnson...

... "delighted" would not be my choice of word to describe the clearing of the Calais refugee camp where 278 people, of which 132 were children, were driven out of their shacks and tents by 500-600 police officers.
Yes it has been creating problems, increasing numbers of war victims, both adults and children who needs medical care to name one, but when it comes to the treatment of these human beings, people whom have already been through enough terrible ordeals, to be "delighted" is simply wrong. Mr Johnson, you have clearly not seen the pictures from the scene.
And if I am not mistaken you guys started the war that got these people there in the first place...


  1. They had to go at the end of the day. You cannot pick on the man for his choice of words. At the end of the day, it was the RIGHT decision to take.

    Alan Johnson was not Home Secetary at the time of the Afhan war either?

  2. Of course I can. He is Home Secretary, it is his job to be politically correct. I am not claiming and never have that it was not a necessary decision.
    And by "you guys" I mean the government of the UK which he is a part of and that means sadly having to take responsibility for what his predecessors have done.

    Scandilous life over and out.
