Thursday, 24 September 2009

LIBERTY QUAYS DOES NOT EXIST! At least not on the map...

Since trying to order books from and also trying to purchase my 16-25 railcard I have discovered that the postcode to Liberty Quays does not exist in their system. This means that when I, for example, try to get a railcard or get books for my coursework it will not come through as the system does not recognise ME7 1FL as a valid postcode. Indeed it works on googlemaps and from what I have heard people have been getting mail - BUT STILL.
Just to try to make our lives down at Liberty Q even more complicated (as I have already mentioned in previous posts the public transport connection is appalling!). Did it not spring to mind to anyone to perhaps sort this out before 600 students moved in? Is there a reason why the postcode is not getting recognised in these commercial systems?

The little journo inside me will not rest until I get to the bottom with this. I rarely do which is why they already know me by name down at reception...


  1. You cannot see Liberty Quays on GoogleMaps using the satellite view.
    The construction of the two main buildings was finished in June or July. That's what they told me at the reception. Luckily, the parcel from my family arrived. So they must recognise this new postcode.
    Contact the Amazon support. They might be able to help you.
    Good Luck!

  2. Please do register at Royal Mail.
    Tell their support that the postcode of the newly built accommodation for students is not yet available online.
    If there are enough complaints about the still missing postcode, they will add it to the online system.

  3. Dull girl, it does exist.
    What did u search for?!

  4. Belive me anonymous person above, the postcode is not registered yet (its a new postcode). I work with postcodes and mapping systems and had trouble when trying to locate it on my mapping system.
    ME7 1FL doesnt appear on a googe maps search, it just gives you the ME7 postal area instead. So ha ha to you :)

  5. How many people are like me, and found this Blog because they live at Liberty Quays and was trying to sort out an Amazon order?
