Monday 14 September 2009

VMA thoughts - Open letter to Kanye

Seriously Kanye? Really? I used to like you...
Why on earth would you use your power as a successful musician and producer to bully a 19-year old girl? Beyonce is a grown up who has had numerous prices and tons of praise throughout her long career. I don't think she was so desperate for that prize that you had to go up on stage and defend her missing out and I don't think you thought that either. You just had to make a statement.

Statements are important even when they don't lead anywhere, which you Kanye West have obviously already understood. The power of the action in itself and all that jazz. Like the feminists who ran up on stage during the 2001 Miss Sweden competition with a banner saying "GUBBSLEM", which roughly translated means slimy old male creeps, knew as well But see, there is a difference between you and them, K.
Of course nothing happened, Miss Sweden is still going strong, but it was still an important statement. Aint that what you were aiming for Mr West? Upset and distraught that such terrible wrongdoing could have taken place and you just had to do something.

Well you know what Kanye? If making that statement means hurting a kid, or anyone innocent for that matter, it is not important anymore. Therein lies the difference.
What did Taylor Swift ever do to you? What do you personally gain from taking the stage? Nothing, apart from a few extra seconds in the limelight which frankly, with your talent you don't need.

All it does is make you look pathetic, egocentric and honestly a little bit fat. The apology you issued earlier this morning is so fake it is laughing material and it could not be more clear that you are, like a king of the schoolyard, simply taking the piss.
I heard chubby, resentful and immature is the way forward and we all know how much you like to be a frontrunner. So maybe it suits you.

Taylor Swift - dry your eyes honey, because he is a sad BLTP (Ballsack longer than penis) and your tits are still fighting gravity.

Peace, Love and Jägermeister for all.


  1. you said it, so true! i liked kanye. now i don't. sad.

  2. Haha, bra sagt! Du fick mig sannerligen att dra på smilbanden, sorry kane, men nu raderar jag dina låtar från min spotty..
